1. The Azle Book (Beta)
  2. Candid RPC or HTTP Server
  3. Candid RPC
  4. HTTP Server (Experimental)
    1. Get Started
    2. Examples
    3. Deployment
    4. Project Structure
    5. Servers
    6. Assets
    7. Authentication
    8. fetch
    9. npm
    10. Tokens
    11. Bitcoin
    12. Ethereum
    13. Databases
    14. Cycles
    15. Debugging
    16. Limitations
    17. Reference
      1. Autoreload
      2. Environment Variables
  5. Old Candid-based Documentation
    1. Azle (Beta)
    2. Internet Computer Overview
    3. Canisters Overview
    4. Installation
    5. Hello World
    6. Deployment
    7. Examples
    8. Query Methods
    9. Update Methods
    10. Candid
    11. Stable Structures
    12. Cross-canister
    13. HTTP
    14. Management Canister
    15. Canister Lifecycle
    16. Timers
    17. Cycles
    18. Caveats
    19. Reference
      1. Bitcoin
      2. Call APIs
        1. accept message
        2. arg data raw
        3. call
        4. call raw
        5. call raw 128
        6. call with payment
        7. call with payment 128
        8. caller
        9. method name
        10. msg cycles accept
        11. msg cycles accept 128
        12. msg cycles available
        13. msg cycles available 128
        14. msg cycles refunded
        15. msg cycles refunded 128
        16. notify
        17. notify raw
        18. notify with payment 128
        19. reject
        20. reject code
        21. reject message
        22. reply
        23. reply raw
      3. Candid
        1. blob
        2. bool
        3. empty
        4. float32
        5. float64
        6. func
        7. int
        8. int8
        9. int16
        10. int32
        11. int64
        12. nat
        13. nat8
        14. nat16
        15. nat32
        16. nat64
        17. null
        18. opt
        19. principal
        20. record
        21. reserved
        22. service
        23. text
        24. variant
        25. vec
      4. Canister APIs
        1. candid decode
        2. candid encode
        3. canister balance
        4. canister balance 128
        5. canister version
        6. canister id
        7. data certificate
        8. instruction counter
        9. is controller
        10. performance counter
        11. set certified data
        12. time
        13. trap
      5. Canister Methods
        1. heartbeat
        2. http_request
        3. http_request_update
        4. init
        5. inspect message
        6. post upgrade
        7. pre upgrade
        8. query
        9. update
      6. Environment Variables
      7. Management Canister
        1. bitcoin_get_balance
        2. bitcoin_get_current_fee_percentiles
        3. bitcoin_get_utxos
        4. bitcoin_send_transaction
        5. canister_status
        6. create_canister
        7. delete_canister
        8. deposit_cycles
        9. ecdsa_public_key
        10. http_request
        11. install_code
        12. provisional_create_canister_with_cycles
        13. provisional_top_up_canister
        14. raw_rand
        15. sign_with_ecdsa
        16. start_canister
        17. stop_canister
        18. uninstall_code
        19. update_settings
      8. Plugins
      9. Stable Memory
        1. stable structures
      10. Timers
        1. clear timer
        2. set timer
        3. set timer interval