Stable Structures


  • 96 GiB of stable memory
  • Persistent across upgrades
  • Familiar API
  • Must specify memory id
  • No migrations per memory id

Stable structures are data structures with familiar APIs that allow write and read access to stable memory. Stable memory is a separate memory location from the heap that currently allows up to 96 GiB of binary storage. Stable memory persists automatically across upgrades.

Persistence on the Internet Computer (IC) is very important to understand. When a canister is upgraded (its code is changed after being initially deployed) its heap is wiped. This includes all global variables.

On the other hand, anything stored in stable memory will be preserved. Writing and reading to and from stable memory can be done with a low-level API, but it is generally easier and preferable to use stable structures.

Azle currently provides one stable structure called StableBTreeMap. It's similar to a JavaScript Map and has most of the common operations you'd expect such as reading, inserting, and removing values.

Here's how to define a simple StableBTreeMap:

import { nat8, StableBTreeMap, text } from 'azle/experimental';

let map = StableBTreeMap<nat8, text>(0);

This is a StableBTreeMap with a key of type nat8 and a value of type text. Unless you want a default type of any for your key and value, then you must explicitly type your StableBTreeMap with type arguments.

StableBTreeMap works by encoding and decoding values under-the-hood, storing and retrieving these values in bytes in stable memory. When writing to and reading from a StableBTreeMap, by default the stableJson Serializable object is used to encode JS values into bytes and to decode JS values from bytes. stableJson uses JSON.stringify and JSON.parse with a custom replacer and reviver to handle many Candid and other values that you will most likely use in your canisters.

You may use other Serializable objects besides stableJson, and you can even create your own. Simply pass in a Serializable object as the second and third parameters to your StableBTreeMap. The second parameter is the key Serializable object and the third parameter is the value Serializable object. For example, the following StableBTreeMap uses the nat8 and text CandidType objects from Azle as Serializable objects. These Serializable objects will encode and decode to and from Candid bytes:

import { nat8, StableBTreeMap, text } from 'azle/experimental';

let map = StableBTreeMap<nat8, text>(0, nat8, text);

All CandidType objects imported from azle are Serializable objects.

A Serializable object simply has a toBytes method that takes a JS value and returns a Uint8Array, and a fromBytes method that takes a Uint8Array and returns a JS value.

Here's an example of how to create your own simple JSON Serializable:

export interface Serializable {
    toBytes: (data: any) => Uint8Array;
    fromBytes: (bytes: Uint8Array) => any;

export function StableSimpleJson(): Serializable {
    return {
        toBytes(data: any) {
            const result = JSON.stringify(data);
            return Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(result));
        fromBytes(bytes: Uint8Array) {
            return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(bytes).toString());

This StableBTreeMap also has a memory id of 0. Each StableBTreeMap instance must have a unique memory id between 0 and 254. Once a memory id is allocated, it cannot be used with a different StableBTreeMap. This means you can't create another StableBTreeMap using the same memory id, and you can't change the key or value types of an existing StableBTreeMap. This problem will be addressed to some extent.

Here's an example showing all of the basic StableBTreeMap operations:

import {
} from 'azle/experimental';

const Key = nat8;
type Key = typeof Key.tsType;

const Value = text;
type Value = typeof Value.tsType;

let map = StableBTreeMap<Key, Value>(0);

export default Canister({
    containsKey: query([Key], bool, (key) => {
        return map.containsKey(key);

    get: query([Key], Opt(Value), (key) => {
        return map.get(key);

    insert: update([Key, Value], Opt(Value), (key, value) => {
        return map.insert(key, value);

    isEmpty: query([], bool, () => {
        return map.isEmpty();

    items: query([], Vec(Tuple(Key, Value)), () => {
        return map.items();

    keys: query([], Vec(Key), () => {
        return Uint8Array.from(map.keys());

    len: query([], nat64, () => {
        return map.len();

    remove: update([Key], Opt(Value), (key) => {
        return map.remove(key);

    values: query([], Vec(Value), () => {
        return map.values();

With these basic operations you can build more complex CRUD database applications:

import {
} from 'azle/experimental';

const User = Record({
    id: Principal,
    createdAt: nat64,
    recordingIds: Vec(Principal),
    username: text
type User = typeof User.tsType;

const Recording = Record({
    id: Principal,
    audio: blob,
    createdAt: nat64,
    name: text,
    userId: Principal
type Recording = typeof Recording.tsType;

const AudioRecorderError = Variant({
    RecordingDoesNotExist: Principal,
    UserDoesNotExist: Principal
type AudioRecorderError = typeof AudioRecorderError.tsType;

let users = StableBTreeMap<Principal, User>(0);
let recordings = StableBTreeMap<Principal, Recording>(1);

export default Canister({
    createUser: update([text], User, (username) => {
        const id = generateId();
        const user: User = {
            createdAt: ic.time(),
            recordingIds: [],

        users.insert(, user);

        return user;
    readUsers: query([], Vec(User), () => {
        return users.values();
    readUserById: query([Principal], Opt(User), (id) => {
        return users.get(id);
    deleteUser: update([Principal], Result(User, AudioRecorderError), (id) => {
        const userOpt = users.get(id);

        if ('None' in userOpt) {
            return Err({
                UserDoesNotExist: id

        const user = userOpt.Some;

        user.recordingIds.forEach((recordingId) => {


        return Ok(user);
    createRecording: update(
        [blob, text, Principal],
        Result(Recording, AudioRecorderError),
        (audio, name, userId) => {
            const userOpt = users.get(userId);

            if ('None' in userOpt) {
                return Err({
                    UserDoesNotExist: userId

            const user = userOpt.Some;

            const id = generateId();
            const recording: Recording = {
                createdAt: ic.time(),

            recordings.insert(, recording);

            const updatedUser: User = {
                recordingIds: [...user.recordingIds,]

            users.insert(, updatedUser);

            return Ok(recording);
    readRecordings: query([], Vec(Recording), () => {
        return recordings.values();
    readRecordingById: query([Principal], Opt(Recording), (id) => {
        return recordings.get(id);
    deleteRecording: update(
        Result(Recording, AudioRecorderError),
        (id) => {
            const recordingOpt = recordings.get(id);

            if ('None' in recordingOpt) {
                return Err({ RecordingDoesNotExist: id });

            const recording = recordingOpt.Some;

            const userOpt = users.get(recording.userId);

            if ('None' in userOpt) {
                return Err({
                    UserDoesNotExist: recording.userId

            const user = userOpt.Some;

            const updatedUser: User = {
                recordingIds: user.recordingIds.filter(
                    (recordingId) =>
                        recordingId.toText() !==

            users.insert(, updatedUser);


            return Ok(recording);

function generateId(): Principal {
    const randomBytes = new Array(29)
        .map((_) => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));

    return Principal.fromUint8Array(Uint8Array.from(randomBytes));

The example above shows a very basic audio recording backend application. There are two types of entities that need to be stored, User and Recording. These are represented as Candid records.

Each entity gets its own StableBTreeMap:

import {
} from 'azle/experimental';

const User = Record({
    id: Principal,
    createdAt: nat64,
    recordingIds: Vec(Principal),
    username: text
type User = typeof User.tsType;

const Recording = Record({
    id: Principal,
    audio: blob,
    createdAt: nat64,
    name: text,
    userId: Principal
type Recording = typeof Recording.tsType;

const AudioRecorderError = Variant({
    RecordingDoesNotExist: Principal,
    UserDoesNotExist: Principal
type AudioRecorderError = typeof AudioRecorderError.tsType;

let users = StableBTreeMap<Principal, User>(0);
let recordings = StableBTreeMap<Principal, Recording>(1);

Notice that each StableBTreeMap has a unique memory id. You can begin to create basic database CRUD functionality by creating one StableBTreeMap per entity. It's up to you to create functionality for querying, filtering, and relations. StableBTreeMap is not a full-featured database solution, but a fundamental building block that may enable you to achieve more advanced database functionality.

Demergent Labs plans to deeply explore database solutions on the IC in the future.


float64 values

It seems to be only some float64 values cannot be successfully stored and retrieved with a StableBTreeMap using stableJson because of this bug with JSON.parse:

CandidType Performance

Azle's Candid encoding/decoding implementation is currently not well optimized, and Candid may not be the most optimal encoding format overall, so you may experience heavy instruction usage when performing many StableBTreeMap operations in succession. A rough idea of the overhead from our preliminary testing is probably 1-2 million instructions for a full Candid encoding and decoding of values per StableBTreeMap operation.

For these reasons we recommend using the stableJson Serializable object (the default) instead of CandidType Serializable objects.


Migrations must be performed manually by reading the values out of one StableBTreeMap and writing them into another. Once a StableBTreeMap is initialized to a specific memory id, that memory id cannot be changed unless the canister is completely wiped and initialized again.


Canister values do not currently work with the default stableJson implementation. If you must persist Canisters, consider using the Canister CandidType object as your Serializable object in your StableBTreeMap, or create a custom replacer or reviver for stableJson that handles Canister.