
The CandidType object Vec corresponds to the Candid type vec, is inferred to be a TypeScript T[], and will be decoded into a JavaScript array of the specified type at runtime (except for Vec<nat8> which will become a Uint8Array, thus it is recommended to use the blob type instead of Vec<nat8>).

TypeScript or JavaScript:

import { Canister, int32, Vec, query } from 'azle';

export default Canister({
    getNumbers: query([], Vec(int32), () => {
        return [0, 1, 2, 3];
    printNumbers: query([Vec(int32)], Vec(int32), (numbers) => {
        console.log(typeof numbers);
        return numbers;


service : () -> {
    getNumbers : () -> (vec int32) query;
    printNumbers : (vec int32) -> (vec int32) query;


dfx canister call candid_canister printNumbers '(vec { 0 : int32; 1 : int32; 2 : int32; 3 : int32 })'
(vec { 0 : int32; 1 : int32; 2 : int32; 3 : int32 })