
Objects created by the CandidType function Record correspond to the Candid record type, are inferred to be TypeScript Objects, and will be decoded into JavaScript Objects at runtime.

The shape of the object will match the object literal passed to the Record function.

TypeScript or JavaScript:

import { Canister, Principal, query, Record, text } from 'azle/experimental';

const User = Record({
    id: Principal,
    username: text

export default Canister({
    getUser: query([], User, () => {
        return {
            id: Principal.fromUint8Array(Uint8Array.from([0])),
            username: 'lastmjs'
    printUser: query([User], User, (user) => {
        console.log(typeof user);
        return user;


type User = record { id : principal; username : text };
service : () -> {
    getUser : () -> (User) query;
    printUser : (User) -> (User) query;


dfx canister call candid_canister printUser '(record { id = principal "2ibo7-dia"; username = "lastmjs" })'
(record { id = principal "2ibo7-dia"; username = "lastmjs" })